Modern society is a networked society permeated by information technology (IT), which defines ECIS 2015's Conference Theme. Networks - perceived as a group of organisations and people who exchange information, contacts, and experience for professional or social purposes - leave their mark on almost every area of our society and promise various advantages to those involved. From a technical perspective, more information can be communicated to more recipients than ever before. The extensive use of Information Systems has enabled the co-evolution of advanced quantitative and qualitative forms of networking.
This proceedings span five out of six Panels.
Please find the Research-in-Progress Proceedings here:
Please find the Completed Paper Proceedings here:
Your Chairs were happy to welcome you to the ECIS 2015 in Münster, hosted by the European Research Centre for Information Systems (ERCIS)! With friends and colleagues from all over the world, the committee was a truly international team, eager to provide an exciting and fruitful conference in the middle of Europe!
Jörg Becker,
University of Münster
Jan vom Brocke,
University of Liechtenstein

Marco de Marco,
Università Guglielmo Marconi
Searching YOUR publication below? They are sorted by the last name of the first author, ascending.
Submissions from 2015
Mitigating the Tragedy of the Commons in Scientific Publishing: Creating a Market for Information Systems Articles, Michel Avital, Jan Damsgaard, Shirley Gregor, Dov Te'eni, Virpi Tuunainen, and Leslie P. Willcocks
Addressing the Challenges of the Networked Society Through the Next Generation of IS Masters-level Curricula, João Álvaro Carvalho, Brian Donnellan, and Helena Karsten
Trust, but Verify! The Value of Replication and Negation in IS Research, Sebastian Olbrich, Ulrich Frank, Dirk Hovorka, and Frantz Rowe
AIS Grand Vision Project for Bright ICT, Ferdinando Pennarola, Jae Kyu Lee, Helmut Krcmar, Henk G. Sol, and Niels Bjorn-Andersen
Meet the Journal Editors, Janice C. Sipior