
This article aims to analyse the level of access and transparency of the public information provided by the managers in the portals of the Federal Institutes of Education of Brazil. In order to provide a better structuring of ideas, we decided to subdivide the literature review into sections, in the first section were addressed general aspects related to the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF), who served as a contextualization for the aspects relevant to public management in Brazil found in the second section. This is a systematic review of the literature, with data collected from the CAPES Portal, including thorough information on the following inclusion criteria: adequacy to the objective and theme of this research, namely Transparency of public information in the portals of the federal institutes of education versus mandatory federal legislation; attention to the descriptors of the research (public transparency, accountability, Electronic Government, access to information, Open Government); access to the full text. The guiding question of the research was: how far does the level of access and transparency in the public information made available by the managers go in the portals of the Federal Institutes of Education of Brazil?
