
Managing information is a crucial topic for business and individuals in the era of information explosion. To draw the full picture of how information quality (IQ) could be impacted and what IQ will influence on human behavior (especially on trust on information), understanding the link between social norms and IQ will be essential. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to fill up the gap: to study the impacts of social norms on IQ on social media. During the TREO talk, researcher will simply introduce the research idea as well as proposed plans, and then start a short discussion on the topic of social norms, information quality, and trust on information in social media. Feedback from participants during the potential discussion will be highly expected.



Social Norms, Information Quality, and Trust

Managing information is a crucial topic for business and individuals in the era of information explosion. To draw the full picture of how information quality (IQ) could be impacted and what IQ will influence on human behavior (especially on trust on information), understanding the link between social norms and IQ will be essential. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to fill up the gap: to study the impacts of social norms on IQ on social media. During the TREO talk, researcher will simply introduce the research idea as well as proposed plans, and then start a short discussion on the topic of social norms, information quality, and trust on information in social media. Feedback from participants during the potential discussion will be highly expected.