
Mobile health has received some serious attention in research and development community. Although very promising, the evaluation of mobile health is one major challenge without much guidance on what evaluation techniques are appropriate and when in numerous scenarios. To address this challenge, we create a taxonomy of evaluation techniques from a sample of 64 mobile health (mHealth) projects. The research problem and scope is first defined through a literature review on the fields of mobile health and project evaluation. This is followed by a description of the methodology of taxonomy development and a description of the categorization process of the observed evaluation techniques from the sample. Following creation of an initial taxonomy, we present the findings from the categorization process and discuss their implications on both the mHealth and project evaluation fields.


Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Categorizing Mobile Health Project Evaluation Techniques

Mobile health has received some serious attention in research and development community. Although very promising, the evaluation of mobile health is one major challenge without much guidance on what evaluation techniques are appropriate and when in numerous scenarios. To address this challenge, we create a taxonomy of evaluation techniques from a sample of 64 mobile health (mHealth) projects. The research problem and scope is first defined through a literature review on the fields of mobile health and project evaluation. This is followed by a description of the methodology of taxonomy development and a description of the categorization process of the observed evaluation techniques from the sample. Following creation of an initial taxonomy, we present the findings from the categorization process and discuss their implications on both the mHealth and project evaluation fields.