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Youths in Cameroon feel politically neglected, socially and economically marginalized; this is because they have been caught in a cycle of poverty, dis-empowerment, unemployment and underemployment. The government is aware and has put in place structures and programs to address these issues. With these programs in place, the assumption is that the problems youths face have become obsolete or have been tackled to an extent. This, however, is not the case as the structures do not provide opportunities youths need to effectively participate in the development process of Cameroon. Reasons such as corruption, bad governance and the lack of proper dissemination of information which characterize the implementation and monitoring process of these programs could be advanced as major reasons for their failure. However, the introduction of ICT can greatly contribute to the effectiveness of these programs which would directly influence youth empowerment and the development of Cameroon.


Aug 11th, 12:00 AM

Youth Policy and the Future of Africa’s Development: Exploring the Potential Contribution of ICT in the Youth Empowerment Process in Cameroon

Youths in Cameroon feel politically neglected, socially and economically marginalized; this is because they have been caught in a cycle of poverty, dis-empowerment, unemployment and underemployment. The government is aware and has put in place structures and programs to address these issues. With these programs in place, the assumption is that the problems youths face have become obsolete or have been tackled to an extent. This, however, is not the case as the structures do not provide opportunities youths need to effectively participate in the development process of Cameroon. Reasons such as corruption, bad governance and the lack of proper dissemination of information which characterize the implementation and monitoring process of these programs could be advanced as major reasons for their failure. However, the introduction of ICT can greatly contribute to the effectiveness of these programs which would directly influence youth empowerment and the development of Cameroon.