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A Single-Handed Partial Zooming Technique for Touch-Screen Mobile Devices

Jianwei Lai, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Sen Wang, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dongsong Zhang, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Adoption and implementation of Health Information Exchange (HIE): An Interpretative Review

Pouyan Esmaeil Zadeh, Florida International University

Adoption of Real-Time Digital Data Streams: Insights from Four Representative Case Studies

Manjunath Paramashivaiah, Ultimate Software Group
Federico Pigni, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France

Beneficial Noncompliance and Detrimental Compliance: Expected Paths to Unintended Consequences

Steven Alter, University of San Francisco

Beyond IT Acceptance

Ricardo Engelbert, ISE Business School
Alexandre Graeml, Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana

Challenges in Technostress Research: Guiding Future Work

Stefan Tams, HEC Montréal

Consensus or Divergence: Examining the Aggregation of Individual to Team Level Adoption of Innovations

Andrew Schwarz, Louisiana State University
Colleen Schwarz, University of Louisiana

Consumer Acceptance IT Products: An Integrative Expectation-confirmation Model

Yue Guo, Hohai Unversity
Stuart Barnes, kent university
Khuong Le-Nguyen, The Cleveland State University

Contextual Factors in Post-adoption: Applying the Model of Proactive Work Behavior to the Study of End-User innovation

Kevin Hill, HEC Montréal
Stefan Tams, HEC Montréal
Jason Thatcher, Clemson University

Contrast and Assimilation in Consumer Software Selection Decisions – An Experimental Study

Marvin Fleischmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)

Digging Deeper Into the Outcomes of Social Media Use among College Students: The Mediating Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy

Martin Hassell, Marquette University
Mary Sukalich, Marquette University

Do You Trust the Cloud? Modeling Cloud Technology Adoption in Organizations

Shuyuan Mary Ho, Florida State University
Mónica Ocasio Velázquez, Universidad del Este

Does Identification with Virtual Model Making Shopping Experience More Enjoyable? The Case of Virtual Mirror

Varun Grover, Clemson
Dan Jiang, Clemson University
Heshan Sun, Clemson University

Drivers and Consequences of Frustration When Using Social Networking Services: A Quantitative Analysis of Facebook Users

Sven Laumer, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
Christian Maier, University of Bamberg
Tim Weitzel, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
Jakob Wirth, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
Jakob Wirth, University of Bamberg

Examining Gender Differences in System Switching Costs

Yan Dang, Northern Arizona University
James Morgan, Northern Arizaon University
Yulei Zhang, Northern Arizona University

Explaining the Adoption and Habits of Playing Exergames: The Role of Physical Activity Background and Digital Gaming Frequency

Tuomas Kari, University of Jyvaskyla

Explaining Transitions between Communal-and Market-based Knowledge Sharing: Collective Action to Resolve Uncertainty

Hind Benbya, GSCM-Montpellier Business School
Tanya Menon, Fisher School of Business
nassim belbaly, GSCM Montpellier Business School

Exploring factors that influence information sharing choices of organizations in networks

Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology
Bram Klievink, Delft University of Technology
Thom Singerling, Delft University of Technology
Mark de Reuver, Delft University of Technology

Herd Behavior in Assessments of Web Interface Design: Some Preliminary Evidence

Daniel Soper, California State University, Fullerton

Impact of Persuasion Processes on Consumer Attitude Towards Online Shopping: The Moderating Role of Product Involvement and Consumer Self-Efficacy

Maryam Ghasemaghaei, McMaster University
Khaled Hassanein, McMaster University

Investigating the determinants of Big Data Analytics (BDA) adoption in Asian emerging economies

Kalyan Agrawal, Chandragupt Institute of Management Patna

Less is More Usable: Measuring Security Usability as Energy Efficiency

A-M Horcher, Nova Southeastern University

Measuring the Impact of the E-Mail Conversation Format on E-Mail Overload: A Pilot Test

Nikolai Sobotta, Goethe University Frankfurt

Multimodal Message Incongruence on E-Commerce Websites

Jungsil Choi, Cleveland State University
Kiljae Lee, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Now or Never Revisited: An Analysis of Market Entry Timing for Successive Product Generation

Zhengrui Jiang, Iowa State University, Ames, United States.
Dipak C. Jain, INSEAD
Shaobai Jiang, Iowa State University

Optimization of Knowledge Sharing in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Social Networks by Filtering Information Seeker Preferences

Guillaume Faddoul, Claremont Graduate University

PRECMAS: A Personalized, Cloud-based Integrative Approach to Mobile Web Adaptation

Jianwei Lai, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Judith Odili, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Isil Yakut Kilic, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dongsong Zhang, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Lina Zhou, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

John Kinuthia, Nazareth College

The Effect of Switching Costs on the Satisfaction-Continuance Relationship: An Extension of Expectation-Confirmation Model

Xiling Cui, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Vincent Lai, Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Extent of Adoption of HRIS: An Empirical Investigation with Mediators & Moderators

Prageet Aeron, International Management Institute
Shilpi Jain, International Management Institute

The Impact of Proximity Marketing on Consumer Reactions and Firm Performance: A Conceptual and Integrative Model

Augustin Bilolo, Université du Québec à Montréal
Harold Boeck, UQAM's School of Management
Fabien Durif, UQAM's School of Management
Nataly Levesque, ESG UQAM
Nataly Levesque, UQAM's School of Management

The Influence of Sociodemographic and Technology-Associated Factors on Stress from Human Interaction with Electric Vehicle Information Systems

Lutz Kolbe, University of Goettingen
Ilja Nastjuk, Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen
Ilja Nastjuk, University of Goettingen
Simon Trang, University of Goettingen

The Interplay of Gender, Habit, and Individual Differences in Predicting Trying Intentions

Greta Polites, Kent State University

The Moderating Effect of Privacy and Personalization in Mobile Banking: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis

Mousa Albashrawi, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Luvai Motiwalla, University of Massachusetts Lowell

The Role of Attachment Insecurity in Intrinsic Interests in IT

Heather Jia, Illinois State University
Ronnie Jia, Illinois State University

The Role of Identity in Adopting Building Information Modeling: A Comparative Study

Albert Lejeune, UQAM
Hamid Nach, UQAM
Hamid Nach, UQAR

Toward addressing the participation gap of the digital divide: a digital fluency perspective of millennials

Oran Alston, West Virginia University
Martin Dias, Northeastern University
Brandis Phillips, North Carolina A & T

Towards the Design of Innovative Spaces for Deep Dialogue and Insight Formation

Nikunj Dalai, Oklahoma State University

Trust Building in Consumer Learning Process and Its Effect on Consumers’ Behavioral Intention toward Mobile Payments

Lin Jia, Beijing Institute of Technology
Dianne Hall, Auburn University - Montgomery
Suning Zhu, Auburn University

Trust-free Systems - a New Research and Design Direction to Handle Trust-Issues in P2P Systems: The Case of Bitcoin

Martina Greiner, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Hui Wang, Radford University

Understanding the Determinants and Outcomes of Individual Adaptation Behaviors in Ongoing ERP Use Contexts

Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque, Universite Paris-Dauphine - PSL
Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque, Université de Lorraine, ISAM-IAE Nancy
Jessie Pallud, Ecole de Management Strasbourg

Using the right information: A theoretical explanation of user motivation to validate web-content

onochie fan-osuala, University of South Florida

Well-being and Technology: Exploring Technology-Supported Meditation

Maxine Cohen, Nova Southeastern University
Laura Downey, Nova Southeastern University
Lisa Laxton, Laxton Consulting, LLC

What Differentiates Early Organization Adopters of Bitcoin From Non-Adopters?

Amy Connolly, USC Upstate
Andreas Kick, USC Upstate

Younger Persons are More Likely to Adopt the Mobile Wallet than Older Persons, or are they? The Moderating Role of Age.

Norman Shaw, Ryerson University