Presenting Author

onochie fan-osuala

Paper Type

Research-in-Progress Paper


Governments are continually looking to save costs in providing services especially with the economic crunch. Studies have shown that there is some form of reluctance to transact with governments over the internet even when it is cost saving and efficient. This is especially true where no policies mandating the utilization of e-government transactional web services (EgovTWS) exist and situations where individuals may show some kind of apathy to anything “government”. Using the elaboration-likelihood model (ELM) and introducing the concept of government approbation, we propose an approach to persuade individuals to accept and utilize EgovTWS.



Persuading the acceptance of e-government web transactions

Governments are continually looking to save costs in providing services especially with the economic crunch. Studies have shown that there is some form of reluctance to transact with governments over the internet even when it is cost saving and efficient. This is especially true where no policies mandating the utilization of e-government transactional web services (EgovTWS) exist and situations where individuals may show some kind of apathy to anything “government”. Using the elaboration-likelihood model (ELM) and introducing the concept of government approbation, we propose an approach to persuade individuals to accept and utilize EgovTWS.