Author Information

Elena Gorbacheva, ERCISFollow

Presenting Author

Elena Gorbacheva, ERCIS

Paper Type

Completed Research Paper


This study is aimed at understanding, what gender-related challenges were recognized by scholars in the Information Systems field and how these challenges evolved over time. Based on a literature review of 22 papers published in the Senior Scholars Basket of Journals, which consider gender as core to their research, seven categories of challenges were identified. It is discussed, which studies and the related categories of challenges turned out to be scientifically demanded. It was found out that the category concerned with under-representation of women in Information Systems, which motivated the majority of articles under investigation, is not highly cited by other researchers. The paper contains a detailed description of the research method used, discussion of the results, as well as study limitations and propositions for future research.



Evolution of the Gender Research Agenda in the Senior Scholars Basket of Journals. A Literature Review.

This study is aimed at understanding, what gender-related challenges were recognized by scholars in the Information Systems field and how these challenges evolved over time. Based on a literature review of 22 papers published in the Senior Scholars Basket of Journals, which consider gender as core to their research, seven categories of challenges were identified. It is discussed, which studies and the related categories of challenges turned out to be scientifically demanded. It was found out that the category concerned with under-representation of women in Information Systems, which motivated the majority of articles under investigation, is not highly cited by other researchers. The paper contains a detailed description of the research method used, discussion of the results, as well as study limitations and propositions for future research.