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A Cloud-Based Service for Affordable Cost Analysis

André G. Lourenço, Instituto Superior Técnico
Miguel Mira da Silva, Instituto Superior Técnico

Determinants and Consequences of IT Capability: Review and Synthesis of the Literature

André Schäfferling, German Graduate School of Management & Law (GGS)

Information Technology Intensity and the Industry Cost of Equity Capital

Kevin E. Dow, University of Nottingham Ningbo
Jie Yu, University of Nottingham Ningbo
Vincent J. Shea II, St. Johns University

On Structural Considerations for Governing the Cloud

Acklesh Prasad, Queensland University of Technology
Peter Green, University of Queensland
Jon Heales, UQ Business School The University of Queensland Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Glen Finau, University of the South Pacific - Fiji

Spreadsheets Use in Budgeting: A Dialectic Process Theory Perspective

Wipawee Paulsson, Department of Informatics, Lund University
Björn Johansson, Department of Informatics, Lund University