
In this paper, we propose a framework to systematically analyze the structural form and thematic content of codes of ethics related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT codes of ethics). Then we apply this framework, within a sample of 30 organizations. Our purpose is to assess the organizational ethical positioning advocated by these ICT codes of ethics, using an adaptation of Kohlberg’s cognitive moral development theory (CMD). Our results indicate that a majority of the organizations studied adopt an ICT code which refers to the conventional level of CMD. The implications of our study for research and practice are discussed.



Information Technology Codes of Ethics: An Analysis Proposal

In this paper, we propose a framework to systematically analyze the structural form and thematic content of codes of ethics related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT codes of ethics). Then we apply this framework, within a sample of 30 organizations. Our purpose is to assess the organizational ethical positioning advocated by these ICT codes of ethics, using an adaptation of Kohlberg’s cognitive moral development theory (CMD). Our results indicate that a majority of the organizations studied adopt an ICT code which refers to the conventional level of CMD. The implications of our study for research and practice are discussed.