
As public administrations are increasingly transforming towards customer-oriented service providers, the availability of municipal E-Services increases. Particularly, E-Services addressed to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) representing 90 % of all enterprises in the U.S. are of interest. While generic surveys on E-Government portals are conducted manifold, surveys dedicated to Government-to-Business (G2B) E-Services are neglected. Thus, the paper presents the status quo by illustrating the results of a benchmarking survey. The survey analyzes the offer of G2B E-Services in 50 U.S. large and capital cities. Furthermore, the identified criteria for the survey provide a basis for a maturity model. The study is accomplished according to the “Procedural model for the Benchmarking of Service” – DIN PAS 1014 and is conducted with the “Mystery User” approach. The findings of the survey address academic research as well as administration practice in the context of E-Government.
