
Research on mobile technologies is met with increasing attention. Most of the existing literature focuses on the use of mobile technologies on a managerial level, with technology as a device for information and communication exchange. The impact potential and their corresponding functionalities on the worker level have not yet been analyzed. This study is trying to fill this gap. It is the key objective to develop a theoretical model of how mobile technologies influence business processes in job production (construction industry) on the operational level. Thus, a generic model will be developed on the basis of existing literature, especially the concept of Task-Technology-Fit. It emphasizes how task complexity affects the required effort of individual information access, information capturing as well as the timeliness of information. These mediators will influence the utilization of information for resource planning and coordination, which in turn will affect the performance of operational processes. Subsequently, it will be deduced how mobile technologies affect the forces and relationships in this model. There is a trade-off between the increasing effort to capture information and the reduced effort of accessing information. Moreover, the way the captured information is utilized for status tracking, resource utilization and resource coordination is considered to be the key factor in improving operational process performance.
