Submissions from 2005
Cohesion, Structure and Software Complexity: A Model of Open Source Software Development, Sherae L. Daniel and Katherine J. Stewart
Role of Organizational Culture in Internet Technology Adoption: An Empirical Study, Subhasish Dasgupta and Babita Gupta
A Meta-Analysis of Current Global Information Systems Research, Fergle D'Aubeterre, Prashant Palvia, and Jason Steevens
Insights from a Real Options Approach to Evaluate IT Sourcing Decisions, James B. Davis
Using Action Research for Positivist Research, Dorrie DeLuca
Differentiating the Effect of Cumulative Experience and Learning: A Field Study of Help Desk Support, Xuefei (Nancy) Deng
A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Hierarchial Classification and its Application in Predicting Yeast Genes Functions, Xutao Deng, Huimin Geng, and Hesham H. Ali
A Computational Framework for Designing Interleaved Workflow and Groupware Tasks, Amit Deokar
Applications and Routing Management of Wireless Sensor Networks, Subhankar Dhar
Online Learning in the Business Environment - Tempting or a Temptress?, Geoffrey N. Dick, Tom Case, Craig Van Slyke, and Phil Ruhlman
Examining Multiple Dimensions of Task Technology Fit, Mark T. Dishaw and Diane M. Strong
Revisiting the Impact of ERP Systems on Business Value: A Triangulation Method, Carlos A. Dorantes and Diane Walz
Introducing the Digital Operating Room: Theory Translated into Practical Use, Barbara Doster
Knowledge Management Capabilities in CRM: Making Knowledge For, From, and About Customers Work, Malte Dous, Harald Salomann, Lutz Kolbe, and Walter Brenner
Towards an Understanding of Model Driven Process Configuration and its Support at Large, Alexander Dreiling, Mervin Chiang, Michael Rosemann, and Wil M.P. van der Aalst
Analysis of Herding on the Internet - An Empirical Investigation of Online Software Download, Wenjing Duan, Bin Gu, and Andrews B. Whinston
Computer Based Assessments of Student Performance in Hybrid Classes: Does Class Size Really Matter?, Antonina Durfee, Scott Schneberger, and Donald L. Amoroso
Support for Wireless LAN Design, Abhijit Dutt and Derek L. Nazareth
A Cultural Perspective on Technology Acceptance, Abhijit Dutt and Mark Srite
Adoption of Biometric Technology: Information Privacy in TAM, Wafa Elgarah and Natalia Falaleeva
An XML Based Architecture for Sharing Heterogeneous Models in Web and Distributed Computing Environments, Omar El-Gayar and Kanchana Tandekar
The Determinants of Web Based Instructional Systems' Outcome: A Step-wise Regression Approach, Sean Eom
Toward Practical Measures of Complexity in Real Time Modeling Methods, John Erickson and Keng Siau
A Study Concerning Small Manufacturing Business within B2B eCommerce Value Chain, Donna M. Erlich
Addressing the Justification of Enterprise Systems Benefits: A Desires and Expectancy Disconfirmation Model, Jose Esteves
Understanding Process Knowledge Change in Enterprise System Implementation: A Framework and Case Study, Kelly J. Fadel, Mohan Tanniru, and Suzanne P. Weisband
Knowledge Acquisition and Integration in Virtual Teams - A Practice-based Perspective, Yulin Fang
Explaining Organizational Virtuality: Insights from the Knowledge Based View, Yulin Fang and Dutta Devkamal
A Hands One Workshop on Computer Security Tools for Classroom Instruction, Daniel Farkas, Narayan Murthy, and Anand Vadul
Business Process Modeling for Successful Implementation of Interorganizational Systems, Jane Fedorowicz, Ulric J. Gelinas, Janis L. Gogan, Mickey Howard, M. Lynne Markus, Catherine Usoff, and Richard Vidgen
Emotive Captioning and Access to Television, Deborah I. Fels, Daniel G. Lee, Carmen Branje, and Matthew Hornburg
ICT Enabled Communication in the Family Court: Eliciting the Child's Voice, Kay Fielden and Jill Goldson
Trust and Deception in Multi-agent Trading Systems: A Logical Viewpoint, Gavin Finnie, Zhaohao Sun, and Jeff Barker
Moving Towards Mobile Third Generation Telecommunication Standards: The Good and Bad of the 'Anytime/Anywhere' Solutions, Jerry Fjermestad, K. Passerini, Karen Patten, Mike Bartolacci, and David Ullman
Information Security: Is Scilence Golden?, James B. Freedman
Knowledge Process Support: A Business Process Study of a Knowledge Management System, Ronald Freeze and Jose A. Robles-Flores
The Effect of Stakeholder Consideration in IT Investment Evaluation on Business Value: Evidence from Sweden, Elisabeth Frisk and Narcyz Roztocki
ISSEC: A Socio-technical Decision Support System for Information Security Planning, Brian D. Fritz and Omar El-Gayar
Assessing the Reliability, Validity and Adaptability of PSSUQ, Ann Fruhling and Sang Lee
Comparing Methods to Extract the Knowledge from Neural Networks, Christie M. Fuller and Rick L. Wilson
Privacy Issues in the Era of Ubiquitous Commerce, Holtjona Galanxhi and Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah
Examining User Technology Interaction: Toward a Sociotechnical Theory for Understanding User Adjustment to Mobile Technologies, Mike Gallivan and Yide Shen
Resolving Wicked Problems: Collaborative Information Systems Design in Boundary-Spanning Groups, Susan Gasson
Ontology Based Method Engineering, Andreas Gehlert, Uta Buckmann, and Werner Esswein
Quality of Service (QoS) in Healthcare Applications: Colored Petri Net Simulation for Design of Heterogeneous, Multi-Vendor, Integrated, Life-Critical Wireless (802.x) Patient Care Device Networks, Vijay Gehlot and Elliot B. Sloane
Statistical Basics of a Reliable World Wide Web Peer to Peer Storage System, Nick Gehrke, Lutz Seidenfaden, and Rainer Baule
Message Passing Clustering with Stochastic Merging Based on Kernel Functions, Huimin Geng, Xutao Deng, and Hesham H. Ali
Web Systems Integration, Matt Germonprez
The Influence of Percieved Risk and Perceived Usefulness on Manager's Attitude Towards Business Process Outsourcing, Heiko Gewald
A Comparison of the Risks in Information Technology Outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing, Heiko Gewald and Jochnen Franke
An Exploratory Study of IT Indirect Costs Associated with IT Projects in the UK, Ahmad Ghoneim and
Governanance Mechanisms for Coordination and Information Sharing in Supply Chains: The Role of Trust, Anupam Ghosh and Jane Fedorowicz
Effective Knowledge Management for Hospital Nurses, Diswadip Ghosh and Judy Scott
Evaluating Business Process Outsourcing using Coordination Theory, Diswadip Ghosh and Judy Scott
Interorganizational Knowledge Management in a BPO, Diswadip Ghosh and Judy Scott
Knowledge Services for eBusiness, Mark A. Gill, Rahul Singh, A. F. Salam, and Lakshmi Iyer
The Effects of Group Member Experience and Task Complexity on Computer Mediated Collaborative Groups Facing Deception, Gabriel A. Giordano
Classifying Network Intrusions: A Comparison of Data Mining Methods, Louis W. Glorfeld, Hilol Bala, and Robert Miller
Towards Active Team Based Learning: An Online Instructional Strategy, Elizabeth Avery Gomez and Michael Bieber
Joint AIS-ACM MSIS 2006 Curriculum Draft Report, John T. Gorgone, Paul Gray, Joseph S. Valacich, Edward A. Stohr, and Rolf T. Wigand
Information Systems Accreditation: A New Criteria Structure and New Flexibility, John T. Gorgone, George M. Kasper, Richard Redmond, and Harry L. Reif
The Impact of IT Driven Market Transparency on Demand, Prices, and Market Structure, Nelson Granandos
Technology Overload: Is There a Technological Panacea?, Sukeshini A. Grandhi, Quentin Jones, and Starr Roxanne Hiltz
Technology Use Rationale and Assimilation in the Implementation of Electronic Data Interchange, Carolyn W. Green and Tracy A. Hurley
The Role of Information Systems in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Japan, Charla Griffy-Brown
Issues for Evaluating Reliability in Software Architectures, A. Griman, L. Valdosera, L. Mendoza, M. Perez, and E. Mendez
Why Do Organizations Expect Every Information Systems Project to be Successful?, Sorin Gudea and Terry Ryan
Understanding the Transformation of the IT Function in Organizations, Manon G. Guillemette and Guy Pare
A Research Framework for Collaborative eLearning in an End User Training Context, Saurabh Gupta and Robert P. Bostrom
Learning in Multi-Agent Information Systems - A Survey from IS Perspective, Anil Gurung and Riyaz T. Sikora
What Attracts Women to the IT Field? The First Process of Occupational Socialization, Indira R. Guzman, Raed M. Sharif, Tyler J. Blanchard, George S. Ellis, and Jeffrey M. Stanton
Capturing the Essence of Scientific Knowledge: A Framework for Representing and Analyzing Theories, Marc N. Haines
Building Discerning Knowledge Bases from Multiple Source Documents, with Novel Fact Filtering, Jason Hale, Sumali Conlon, Tim McCready, and Anil Vinjamur
Technological Support for a Learning Oriented Knowledge Management System, Dianne Hall, Yi M. Guo, Casey Cegielski, and Robert A. Davis
Testing an Integrity-Checking DSS Component for Organizational Memory Building, Dianne J. Hall and Yi Maggie Guo
A Student Response System for Increasing Engagement, Motivation, and Learning in High Enrollment Lectures, Richard H. Hall, Harvest L. Collier, Marcie L. Thomas, and Michael G. Hilgers
Distributing Digital Products in Peer-to-Peer Networks, Peng Han
The Spread of Internet Worms and the Optimal Patch Release Strategies, Peng Han and Yong Tan
Contributing Your "Wisdom" or Showing Your Cards: A Quantitative Inquiry of Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Sean Hansen and Michael Avital
Understanding the Roles of IT in Product Innovation: Component Knowledge and Combinative Capabilities, Shu Han and T. Ravichandran
Incorporating Information Quality Management into EAI Processes, Jin-Xing Hao and Ron Chi-Wai Kwok
Application Development Employing Web Services: Understanding Costs and Risks, Peter Haried
Application of Ethical Frameworks to IT Offshoring, Peter Haried and Derek L. Nazareth
Workshop: Practical Examples for Teaching Discrete Mathematics in an Information Systems Curriculum, Valerie J. Harvey, Peter Y. Wu, and John C. Turchek
Training for Collaboration and Cognitive Alignment, Stephen C. Hayne, C.A.P. Smith, and Leo R. Vijaysarathy
Instant Messaging: A Cross-Country Comparison of Factors Affecting Adoption, Jon Heales, Scott McCoy, and Dongming Xu
Understanding the Complexity in Electronic Government: Implications from the Digital Divide Literature, Natalie C. Helbig, J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, and Enrico Ferro
The Adoption of ERP Applications in China, Lishan He and David Brown
Collaborative Modeling of Processes: What Facilitation Support Does a Group Need?, Marielle den Hengst
Desigm and Development Considerations of a Learning Object Repository, Michael G. Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, and Matt Buechler
Adopting and Implementing a Software Development Methodology: An Organizational Perspective, Daniel L. Holden, John W. Satzinger, and Angela D. Holden
From Salvation to Damnation: A Case Study on the Role of a System Sponsor in Strategic Downfall, Carolyn F. Holton and T. Grandon Gill
Functional Explanation in Information Systems, Dirk Scott Hovorka
Increasing Absorptive Capacity through Strategic Use of Network Organizations, Dirk S. Hovorka and Kai R. Larsen
Unreliable Collaborators: Coordination in Distributed Volunteer Teams, James Howison
Navigating the Information Security Landscape: Mapping the Relationship Between ISO 15408:1999 and ISO 17799:2000, Cynthia Hoxey and Dan Shoemaker
Leverage Points for Addressing Digital Inequality: Comparing Under Privileged Adopters and Non-Adopters of High Speed Internet TV, JJ Po-An Hsieh, Mark Keil, and Arun Rai
eCommerce Critical Success Factors for Chinese Enterprises: An Empirical Research on the Publishing Industry, Jinghua Huang and Chingting Lee
The Mediating Effect of Commitment on Customer Loyalty in eBrokerage: An Enhanced Investment Model, Li-Ting Huang, Cheng-Kiang Farn, and Tsung-Chieh Cheng