
Despite the need for management to be able to identify the enablers and/or inhibitors of IT success on a global scale, past global IT research has failed to create "a sound and comprehensive framework of its own; one which can guide inquiry by researchers in an organized and systematic manner" (Palvia 1998). While previous frameworks have been developed (Deans and Ricks 1991; Ein-Dor et al 1993; Nelson and Clark 1994; Cummings and Guynes, 1994; and Gallupe and Tan, 1999), none of them have been accepted universally. The purpose of this paper is to examine the different frameworks previously suggested for global IT research in cumulative manner. By explicating and integrating all dimensions from these past frameworks, we provide a more comprehensive system for identifying new areas of research. More importantly, it provides the basis for reflecting on what should constitute the key dependent variables given a particular mix of independent variables.
