It is now well established that firms need to make significant changes to organizational processes to derive advantages from the deployment of Information Technologies (IT). The strength of the interface between Information Systems providers (the IS group) and their users in organizations is a critical determinant of the firm's ability to visualize, design and deploy appropriate IT solutions and make the necessary organizational design changes to utilize the investments in IT (Davenport 1992). While the creation of partnerships between IS groups and their users has often been highlighted as important to ensure effective IT implementation (Lasher, Ives, Jarvenpaa 1991), the critical dimensions along which the two groups need to be convergent and the impact of convergence on outcomes for users has received little attention. Using the theoretical lens of role theory, we examine the impact of convergence in perspectives on six key issues between IS groups and the users that they serve in three large organizations. Our results provide empirical support for the view that convergence in the perspectives of IS and user groups is associated with increased levels of Service Quality. One contribution of this study is the explication of key issues on which convergence of perspectives between IS and User groups is central to the improvement of the quality of services provided by the IS group.
Recommended Citation
Subramanian, Mani R. and Henderson, John C., "Gaps That Matter: The Influence of Perspectives on IS Service Quality" (1996). AMCIS 1996 Proceedings. 149.