
Recently, there has been an increased interest among MIS faculty in applying various electronic support tools to enhance classroom learning (e.g., Hashim et al., 1991; Leidner and Jarvenpaa, 1993; Reisman, 1993; Money, 1994; Wheeler et al., 1994; Alavi and Yoo, 1995). In particular, Group Support Systems (GSS) technology--the computer technology aimed at improving interactions and task performance of a group that can be distributed in time and space--has been identified as promoting learning. Beranek and Lock (1994) suggest that the enhancement of student learning in a GSS environment stems from higher level of student participation than in a traditional classroom setting, and from the technology forcing students to think, rather than just to take notes. Self-reported data from students suggests that GSS-supported learning leads to higher levels of perceived skill development, and to higher evaluation of classroom experience in comparison with non-GSS-supported collaborative learning (Alavi, 1994).
