
The present paper summarizes selected results of the first au-thor‟s Master‟s thesis for the student track at the 10th Interna-tional Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik in Zurich, Switzer-land. The thesis was co-supervised by the second and the third author. Building upon the technology acceptance model (TAM), the assignment was to investigate factors impacting on end users‟ acceptance of enterprise content management (ECM) systems. The study suggests twenty-two factors at the enterprise, process, technology, and content level that can influence ECM success. The results are grounded in both a systematic review of the lite-rature on ECM, including related fields such as document man-agement and records management, and an analysis of qualitative data collected from five ECM-adopting organizations. It is hoped that the findings will inform future Information Systems (IS) research on ECM acceptance. Practitioners can use the results in the process of planning and conducting their own ECM projects.
