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Information system to health, electronic health record, SANA, m-health, e-health


Although digital computerization is already quite common, the use of health information systems is still very poor in most of the places. From a regional demand for support of health professionals working in basic health units (BHU) in the city of S˜ao Jo˜ao del Rei/MG, a research was conceived for development of an information system for sharing electronic health records among various BHU. In this article we present a review of the use of SANA, a standard-focused open-source platform to facilitate the creation and sharing electronic health records, for the development of an information system. For this, we developed and evaluated a prototype representing electronic records as requested by health experts. Finally, lessons learned are presented as well as solutions to problems encountered during development, including a reflection on the utility and convenience of the prototype generated by SANA platform considering the application context, and recommendations for future development.


This paper is in Portuguese (Avaliação do uso da plataforma de criação de prontuários eletrônicos SANA para especialistas de saúde básica)
