
Mobile environment has revolutionized the health field. This fact and the rise of mobile technology have led to improve processes of care. In this paper, we present a practical application of BSC (balance scorecard) for Management of clinical incidents in ICT services through mobile devices in health organization. The objective of building of system is to integrate with main system of organization, for management of critical incident in ICT department of hospital and health centre. To do this, we have analysed and evaluated of process to management of incident that allow us to show the management information of way practical and we have applicated a real case. Results suggest that the integration of Balanced Scorecard helps with decision-making tasks because they allow decreasing response times and improving company management. In conclusion, make users satisfaction grow, objective sought by health companies

Recommended Citation

Medina-Merodio, J., Gutiérrez-Escolar, A., Castillo-Martinez, A., & Borne-Cores, S. (2015). The Management of Clinical Incidents in ICT Services Through Mobile Applications. In D. Vogel, X. Guo, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Transforming Healthcare through Information Systems (ISD2015 Proceedings). Hong Kong, SAR: Department of Information Systems. ISBN: 978-962-442-393-8. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2015/SensorBasedSystems/3.

Paper Type




The Management of Clinical Incidents in ICT Services Through Mobile Applications

Mobile environment has revolutionized the health field. This fact and the rise of mobile technology have led to improve processes of care. In this paper, we present a practical application of BSC (balance scorecard) for Management of clinical incidents in ICT services through mobile devices in health organization. The objective of building of system is to integrate with main system of organization, for management of critical incident in ICT department of hospital and health centre. To do this, we have analysed and evaluated of process to management of incident that allow us to show the management information of way practical and we have applicated a real case. Results suggest that the integration of Balanced Scorecard helps with decision-making tasks because they allow decreasing response times and improving company management. In conclusion, make users satisfaction grow, objective sought by health companies