
As information security becomes increasingly important, more research is being conducted in this area. In an attempt to better understand current research activities in Information Systems Security (ISsec) and to guide future explorations, a number of authors have made tentative attempts to survey/review the existing literature. However, the criteria employed in these reviews are neither consistent nor complete, which weakens their validity. Drawing on previous research, we propose an improved examination framework for systematically investigating ISsec research. This framework will allow researchers to gain a more thorough understanding of what has been done so far and to target future research efforts more effectively.

Recommended Citation

Zhu, R. & Janczewski, L. (2015). A Proposed Framework for Examining Information Systems Security Research. In D. Vogel, X. Guo, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Transforming Healthcare through Information Systems (ISD2015 Proceedings). Hong Kong, SAR: Department of Information Systems. ISBN: 978-962-442-393-8. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2015/Security/1.

Paper Type




A Proposed Framework for Examining Information Systems Security Research

As information security becomes increasingly important, more research is being conducted in this area. In an attempt to better understand current research activities in Information Systems Security (ISsec) and to guide future explorations, a number of authors have made tentative attempts to survey/review the existing literature. However, the criteria employed in these reviews are neither consistent nor complete, which weakens their validity. Drawing on previous research, we propose an improved examination framework for systematically investigating ISsec research. This framework will allow researchers to gain a more thorough understanding of what has been done so far and to target future research efforts more effectively.