Start Date

10-12-2017 12:00 AM


Critical thinking ability is a key goal of higher education. This pilot study investigates the suitability of using the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) to evaluate an IS curriculum design in terms of measuring the students' development of critical thinking skills as they progress through the study program. All currently active students at two similar IS bachelor’s programs at Uppsala University was asked to take the test. The results show that the CCTST can be used for the stated purpose. However, the fact that the test is not available in the students’ native language is an area of concern. The study also points to the importance of developing strategies for increasing response rate and using relevant indicators of study performance.


Dec 10th, 12:00 AM

Evaluation of IS Curriculum Design: A Pilot Study using the California Critical Thinking Skills Test

Critical thinking ability is a key goal of higher education. This pilot study investigates the suitability of using the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) to evaluate an IS curriculum design in terms of measuring the students' development of critical thinking skills as they progress through the study program. All currently active students at two similar IS bachelor’s programs at Uppsala University was asked to take the test. The results show that the CCTST can be used for the stated purpose. However, the fact that the test is not available in the students’ native language is an area of concern. The study also points to the importance of developing strategies for increasing response rate and using relevant indicators of study performance.