
Many online communities allow their members to provide information helpfulness judgments that can be used to guide other users to useful contents quickly. However, it is a serious challenge to solicit enough user participation in providing feedbacks in online communities. Existing studies on assessing the helpfulness of user-generated contents are mainly based on heuristics and lack of a unifying theoretical framework. In this article we propose a text classification framework for finding helpful user-generated contents in online knowledge-sharing communities. The objective of our framework is to help a knowledge seeker find helpful information that can be potentially adopted. The framework is built on the Knowledge Adoption Model that considers both content-based argument quality and information source credibility. We identify 6 argument quality dimensions and 3 source credibility dimensions based on information quality and psychological theories. Using data extracted from a popular online community, our empirical evaluations show that all the dimensions improve the performance over a traditional text classification technique that considers word-based lexical features only.

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A Knowledge Adoption Model Based Framework for Finding Helpful User-Generated Contents in Online Communities

Many online communities allow their members to provide information helpfulness judgments that can be used to guide other users to useful contents quickly. However, it is a serious challenge to solicit enough user participation in providing feedbacks in online communities. Existing studies on assessing the helpfulness of user-generated contents are mainly based on heuristics and lack of a unifying theoretical framework. In this article we propose a text classification framework for finding helpful user-generated contents in online knowledge-sharing communities. The objective of our framework is to help a knowledge seeker find helpful information that can be potentially adopted. The framework is built on the Knowledge Adoption Model that considers both content-based argument quality and information source credibility. We identify 6 argument quality dimensions and 3 source credibility dimensions based on information quality and psychological theories. Using data extracted from a popular online community, our empirical evaluations show that all the dimensions improve the performance over a traditional text classification technique that considers word-based lexical features only.