
Services section has been mushrooming over the last decades and now dominates economic activity in most industrialized economies. Drawing on an array of interdisciplinary theoretical underpinnings stemming from trust, risk, trying, emotion, and consumer satisfaction, this paper proposes an integrated model to examine the causal relationships amid these constructs. The analysis of data from 415 Chinese consumers reveals that consumer innovativeness and emotions are very significant antecedents of risk perception of service, trust, service quality, and perceived benefits, which ultimately lead to consumer satisfaction of such services in EME. This comprehensive framework contributes to a foundation for future studies to investigate the roles of risk perception and trust vis-à-vis innovativeness and emotion in such an emerging IT artifact as e-services in EME.



The Role of Risk Perception, Trust, Innovativeness and Emotion in Developing Consumer’s Satisfaction in Electronic Mediated Environment (EME)

Services section has been mushrooming over the last decades and now dominates economic activity in most industrialized economies. Drawing on an array of interdisciplinary theoretical underpinnings stemming from trust, risk, trying, emotion, and consumer satisfaction, this paper proposes an integrated model to examine the causal relationships amid these constructs. The analysis of data from 415 Chinese consumers reveals that consumer innovativeness and emotions are very significant antecedents of risk perception of service, trust, service quality, and perceived benefits, which ultimately lead to consumer satisfaction of such services in EME. This comprehensive framework contributes to a foundation for future studies to investigate the roles of risk perception and trust vis-à-vis innovativeness and emotion in such an emerging IT artifact as e-services in EME.