The increase in electronically mediated self-service technologies in the banking industry has impacted on the way banks service consumers. Despite a large body of research on electronic banking channels, no study has been undertaken to explore the fit between electronic banking channels and banking tasks. Nor has there been research into how the ‘task-channel fit’ and other factors impact on consumers’ intention to use electronic banking channels. This paper proposes a theoretical model addressing these gaps. An exploratory study was first conducted, investigating industry experts’ perceptions towards the concept of ‘task-channel fit’ and its relationship to other electronic banking channel variables. The findings demonstrated that the concept was perceived as being highly relevant by bank managers. A research model was then developed drawing on the existing literature. To evaluate the research model quantitatively, a survey will be developed and validated, administered to a sample of consumers, and the resulting data used to test both measurement and structural aspects of the research model.
Recommended Citation
Hoehle, Harmut and Huff, Sid, "Electronic Banking Channels and Task-Channel Fit" (2009). ICIS 2009 Proceedings. 98.