
This paper advocates the use of a construct called Perceived Net Benefit (PNB) for both measuring Information Systems (IS) success andpredictingISuse. PNBisdefinedasthesumofaUfuturebenefitslessallfuturecostsexpectedtoflowfromuseofaninformation technology application. A technique for measuring PNB is outlined, and three research questions that compare PNB to the best measures in current use are articulated. The reason PNB is likely to be better than existing measures is that within the one common conceptualframeworkofcalculatingPNB,differentfactorscanbegivendifferentweightingsindifferentsituations. Becauserespondents are asked to consider a wide range of different factors (including attitudes, social norms, and control over resources [Ajzen 1985, 19991]) and to specifythe relative importance of those factors to their current IS use/IS success decision, it is argued that PNB is likely to be a more reliable predictor of IS use than perceived usefulness, and a sounder measure of IS success than user satisfaction.
