
The security of information systems has become one of the top agendas of business executives in economically developed nations. While the information systems security (ISS) world focuses on threats of external origin, most ISS breaches are caused by insiders. Both the amount of money allocated for ISS related activities and the number of ISS breaches are shown to increase in parallel. A majority of the investments and researches around ISS are limited to bring technically oriented solutions only. It is now realized that the technical approach alone couldn’t bring the required level of ISS, and this led ISS researchers to embark on socio-technical approaches. In this respect, one of the critical social factors that has been given little emphasis is culture. Thus, this research investigates the impact of national culture on employees’ ISS behavior. More specifically, it answers the question “what is the moderating impact of national culture on the influence of ISS countermeasures and other important variables on employees’ intention to violate ISS policies?” We develop and test an empirical ISS compliance model, which is composed of security related rational choice theory and national culture constructs in the Ethiopian and USA context. Survey will be used to collect data.

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