
The present study shows the current status of a preliminary study about the use of business infor-mation systems (BIS) based on five exemplarily selected case studies in German craft enterprises. The question of whether similarities and differences concerning the application of information and com-munication technologies (ICT) exist in practice. For this purpose, exemplary case demonstrating the scope and usage of organizational ICT in various crafts are presented. The case studies are based on a survey of CEOs and IT managers of selected craft enterprises. Based on the results of the survey, hypotheses about the use of information technologies were derived. Based on these hypotheses, inter-dependencies of craft enterprises are presented and justified regarding the use of BIS, the actuality of the hardware, the requirements to branch-specific IT solutions, the measures taken toward data pro-tection and data security and the visibility on the Internet. As a result of the preliminary study it can be stated that a widely heterogeneous IT landscape as well as good IT competence can be found in the enterprises involved.
