
Information Technology has become a core activity in most, if not all, corporations. Although IT managers continue to be under-represented in executive management, the very centrality of information technology to corporate success or failure suggests that this situation cannot endure. It has been suggested that information technology managers are too narrowly focused and technically oriented for strategic roles in the corporation. A key skill required of the executive relates to making decisions in situations imbued with uncertainty. This paper examines a cognitive process, the overconfidence effect, which has been shown to influence good decision making. An analysis is presented as to the susceptibility of IT professionals to the overconfidence effect when compared to accounting / finance and marketing professionals. The results suggest that information technology professionals are as good, if not better, at making complex decisions as professionals from the other two groups. Information technology professionals proved to be moderately overconfident, a situation which has some advantages as well is disadvantages. The study indicated that information technology professionals have the decision making skills to take their rightful place at the most senior levels in corporations.
