
The Information Systems (IS) discipline is a relatively young and rapidly evolving field of study, and its roots can be found within diverse disciplines. While these roots have been studied thoroughly and discussed at length, little is known about the emergent areas of research within the discipline. In this study, we map the IS discipline based on all publications in the top IS journals from 2005 through 2014. Our results provide a holistic view of the field and identify active and emergent areas of research.



Identifying Research Trends in IS

The Information Systems (IS) discipline is a relatively young and rapidly evolving field of study, and its roots can be found within diverse disciplines. While these roots have been studied thoroughly and discussed at length, little is known about the emergent areas of research within the discipline. In this study, we map the IS discipline based on all publications in the top IS journals from 2005 through 2014. Our results provide a holistic view of the field and identify active and emergent areas of research.