As technology use becomes more ubiquitous, systems that are able to bypass users’ intentional behaviors through the creationof automatized, or habitual behaviors, are tapping into a potentially powerful aspect of the human psyche. This studycontributes to both sunk cost theory and technology continuance research by examining the relationship between the driversof habit and habitual IS use, and how perceptions of sunk costs play a mediating role in this relationship. Through theconceptual development of an habitual IS use model, the technology-enabled features which contribute to stickiness andencourage the formation of habitual IS use behaviors are explored. This research in progress contributes to the IS usageliterature by focusing on automatic use that is non-work related.
Recommended Citation
Clements, Jeffrey A. and Bush, Ashley A., "Perceptions of Sunk Cost and Habitual IS Use" (2011). AMCIS 2011 Proceedings - All Submissions. 84.
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