Systems Analysis and Design
This research explores the decision-making process of expert estimators of corrective maintenance projects by usingqualitative methods to identify the factors that they use in deriving estimates. We implement a technique called causalmapping, which allows us to identify the cognitive links between the information that estimators use, and the estimates thatthey produce based on that information. Results suggest that a total of 17 factors may be relevant for corrective maintenanceeffort estimation, covering constructs related to developers, code, defects, and environment. This line of research aims ataddressing the limitations of existing maintenance estimation models that do not incorporate a number of soft factors, thus,achieving less accurate estimates than human experts.
Recommended Citation
Lee, Michael; Rothenberger, Marcus A.; and Peffers, Ken, "Identifying Effort Estimation Factors for Corrective Maintenance in Object-Oriented Systems" (2011). AMCIS 2011 Proceedings - All Submissions. 186.