Systèmes d'Information et Management
To respond to the identity crisis of the Information Systems (IS) disciple and agreeing with Hirsheim and Klein (2003), we believe that a “reflective analysis” can contribute to a favorable evolution of the discipline. Within the French-speaking community, such reflec- tive analysis is needed to evaluate the journals in the IS field and their rankings in order to understand the production of the French-speaking researchers. The publishing process (how and where?) are fundamental components of the identity of the French-speaking community, as it reflects the community’s value systems, paradigms, cultural practices, sys- tems of valuation, organizational structure and aspirations. This article analyzes the results of a scientometric study conducted on the Information Systems journals, targeting the French-speaking academic community. Unsurprisingly, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), which is considered the most presti- gious journal in the IS world community, is also the most prestigious journal in the French- speaking community. In addition, this study allows us to rank the most prestigious journals from the point of view of French-speaking community. It shows a strong polarization of French researchers, unlike their colleagues in Quebec, toward publishing largely in jour- nals whose the main editor-in-chief is or was European.
Recommended Citation
Vitari, Claudio; Humbert, Marc; and Rennard, Jean-Philippe
"Les spécificités de la communauté francophone d’enseignant-chercheurs en Système d’information en termes de prestige des revues et de publications,"
Systèmes d'Information et Management: Vol. 17:
4, Article 4.
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