Journal of Information Technology
Special Issue on Information Technology in China
Ping Gao, Heejin Lee, Kalle Lyytinen, and Kanliang Wang
Research Articles
IT Resources, Organizational Capabilities, and Value Creation in Public-Sector Organizations: A Public-Value Management Perspective
Min-Seok Pang, Gwanhoo Lee, and William H DeLone
Research on IT in China: A Call for Greater Contextualization
Liang Li, Ping Gao, and Ji-Ye Mao
Network Relations and Boundary Spanning: Understanding the Evolution of E-Ordering in the Chinese Drug Distribution Industry
Xunhua Guo, Kai Reimers, Bin Xie, and Mingzhi Li
Can Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Coexist? An Issue of Telecommunication Service in China
Aihui Chen, Yaobin Lu, Sumeet Gupta, and Qi Xiaolin
How Do IT Outsourcing Vendors Respond to Shocks in Client Demand? A Resource Dependence Perspective
Fang Su, Ji-Ye Mao, and Sirkka L Jarvenpaa