
Organizations increasingly need to establish partnerships with other organizations to face environment changes and remain competitive. This interorganizational relationship allows organizations to share resources and collaborate to handle business opportunities better. However, besides all benefits, organizations usually face several challenges. Organizations should consider many factors, but appropriate methods, techniques and tools that support these organizations to identify what is relevant and necessary for the partnership are still required. Moreover, there are open challenges concerning different ICT areas, among which to think over issues regarding the interorganizational information systems (IOIS) development. The present research explores the ICT support to interorganizational relationships. To this end, a systematic mapping was performed to understand what is an IOIS and how these systems support interorganizational relationships. A discussion about the findings, challenges and open issues identified from the retrieved literature is also provided to guide further work.



A Systematic Literature Mapping on Interorganizational Information Systems

Organizations increasingly need to establish partnerships with other organizations to face environment changes and remain competitive. This interorganizational relationship allows organizations to share resources and collaborate to handle business opportunities better. However, besides all benefits, organizations usually face several challenges. Organizations should consider many factors, but appropriate methods, techniques and tools that support these organizations to identify what is relevant and necessary for the partnership are still required. Moreover, there are open challenges concerning different ICT areas, among which to think over issues regarding the interorganizational information systems (IOIS) development. The present research explores the ICT support to interorganizational relationships. To this end, a systematic mapping was performed to understand what is an IOIS and how these systems support interorganizational relationships. A discussion about the findings, challenges and open issues identified from the retrieved literature is also provided to guide further work.