
Blockchain is a recent certification technology with high transformative power in many business models, having a social impact by offering solutions that involve governance and sustainability. However, most articles in this area address the use of blockchain in the private trading of cryptocurrencies. This paper is a case study on a pioneer blockchain application in the management of the Green Treasure Program, which operates through an online platform for negotiating Forest Credits, a title issued from environmental services. The context of this analysis is the management of the Green Treasure in the State of Amapá, the Amazon region of Brazil, which has a complex and interesting reality for research: on the one hand, this region faces difficulties in attracting resources due to its socioeconomic isolation; in contrast, more than 90% of its territory is totally preserved. The purpose of this study is to discover the different objectives that can come from the perception of value, among the public and the private sector, during environmental services negotiation on a blockchain based platform. For this, we conduct qualitative research on the case study using the theory of public value and an interpretative perspective, seeking the understanding of the different objectives among the actors involved. The main contribution is to present the use of blockchain in government projects that promote sustainability, the main research gap identified. The results suggest that blockchain can provide security, transparency, and traceability in operations, critical factors for the government, and especially for attracting investors with different profiles.



Blockchain in the Green Treasure: Different Investment Objectives

Blockchain is a recent certification technology with high transformative power in many business models, having a social impact by offering solutions that involve governance and sustainability. However, most articles in this area address the use of blockchain in the private trading of cryptocurrencies. This paper is a case study on a pioneer blockchain application in the management of the Green Treasure Program, which operates through an online platform for negotiating Forest Credits, a title issued from environmental services. The context of this analysis is the management of the Green Treasure in the State of Amapá, the Amazon region of Brazil, which has a complex and interesting reality for research: on the one hand, this region faces difficulties in attracting resources due to its socioeconomic isolation; in contrast, more than 90% of its territory is totally preserved. The purpose of this study is to discover the different objectives that can come from the perception of value, among the public and the private sector, during environmental services negotiation on a blockchain based platform. For this, we conduct qualitative research on the case study using the theory of public value and an interpretative perspective, seeking the understanding of the different objectives among the actors involved. The main contribution is to present the use of blockchain in government projects that promote sustainability, the main research gap identified. The results suggest that blockchain can provide security, transparency, and traceability in operations, critical factors for the government, and especially for attracting investors with different profiles.