Antecedents of Online Knowledge-Sharing Continuance: A Heavy User’s Perspective

Minhyung Kang, Konkuk University


With the growth of online communities, social Q&A sites, where users freely ask and answer questions, are becoming popular. This study focuses on heavy users, who contribute thousands of high-quality answers to social Q&A sites, and examines antecedents of their knowledge-sharing continuance intention based on expectation-confirmation theory and organizational justice theory. Among the antecedents, perceived playfulness and self-worth are suggested as motivators increasing satisfaction, and perceived justice with social Q&A sites and with other users are suggested as hygiene factors decreasing dissatisfaction. Data gathered through online survey are analyzed through partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that motivators and hygiene factors have different influences on heavy users’ satisfaction with online knowledge sharing and their continuance intention. Findings from this study deepen current understanding about antecedents of online knowledge-sharing continuance and provide practical guidelines to facilitate social Q&A sites.

Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Antecedents of Online Knowledge-Sharing Continuance: A Heavy User’s Perspective

With the growth of online communities, social Q&A sites, where users freely ask and answer questions, are becoming popular. This study focuses on heavy users, who contribute thousands of high-quality answers to social Q&A sites, and examines antecedents of their knowledge-sharing continuance intention based on expectation-confirmation theory and organizational justice theory. Among the antecedents, perceived playfulness and self-worth are suggested as motivators increasing satisfaction, and perceived justice with social Q&A sites and with other users are suggested as hygiene factors decreasing dissatisfaction. Data gathered through online survey are analyzed through partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that motivators and hygiene factors have different influences on heavy users’ satisfaction with online knowledge sharing and their continuance intention. Findings from this study deepen current understanding about antecedents of online knowledge-sharing continuance and provide practical guidelines to facilitate social Q&A sites.