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In this paper, we define the crowdfunding platform (CFP) a virtual place where project creators document their projects for gaining awareness or social support for making the project proceed. By doing so, project teams can voice the propositions they have worked on or they may also speak out on one party’s behalf for seeking advices. This paper proposes a research framework that targets the issue of CFP in investigating usage behavior in the project teams’ perspectives. It aims at filling the research gap as there is no clear link has been made in understanding how project teams keep up with the usage of CFP in terms of making progresses of proposed projects. In doing so, we believe the power of enormous crowds as project teams can be probably gathered and managed. Moreover, the administrations of CFP can be correctly directed for opening up opportunities for new start-ups.


Aug 11th, 12:00 AM

A research framework of crowdfunding platform usage

In this paper, we define the crowdfunding platform (CFP) a virtual place where project creators document their projects for gaining awareness or social support for making the project proceed. By doing so, project teams can voice the propositions they have worked on or they may also speak out on one party’s behalf for seeking advices. This paper proposes a research framework that targets the issue of CFP in investigating usage behavior in the project teams’ perspectives. It aims at filling the research gap as there is no clear link has been made in understanding how project teams keep up with the usage of CFP in terms of making progresses of proposed projects. In doing so, we believe the power of enormous crowds as project teams can be probably gathered and managed. Moreover, the administrations of CFP can be correctly directed for opening up opportunities for new start-ups.