The Two Sides of the Innovation Coin

Leonardo Oliveira, Universidade de Brasilia
Carlos Santos, Universidade de Brasilia


With the use of the Stakeholder Theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, a Model for Analysis of the Consequences of IT Innovation Adoption was developed, addressing both positive and negative sides of innovation consequences. The Model has been validated in interviews with PhDs specializing in the field, then applied to the case of Open Data adoption by the Federal District Government of Brazil. In the empirical study, 95 consequences for various stakeholders were categorized. The study’s synthesis can be viewed in a single image that reveals the similar and conflicting understandings of the different innovation stakeholders, and can be used as an innovation management tool: the Map of Consequences of Innovations Adoption.

Aug 11th, 12:00 AM

The Two Sides of the Innovation Coin

With the use of the Stakeholder Theory and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, a Model for Analysis of the Consequences of IT Innovation Adoption was developed, addressing both positive and negative sides of innovation consequences. The Model has been validated in interviews with PhDs specializing in the field, then applied to the case of Open Data adoption by the Federal District Government of Brazil. In the empirical study, 95 consequences for various stakeholders were categorized. The study’s synthesis can be viewed in a single image that reveals the similar and conflicting understandings of the different innovation stakeholders, and can be used as an innovation management tool: the Map of Consequences of Innovations Adoption.