
Problem solving method describes the reasoning process and knowledge requirement for accomplishing a given task. There are a number of problems solving methods and other problem solving approaches currently in place. Apparently, these existing approaches demonstrate an excellent work done in the field. Several of these approaches are technology based or driven where the designer/developer has to force fit their design into these technologies. Further, it is not clear as to how such approaches account for external representations in problem solving, epistemological limitations that humans and computers have, and pragmatic constraints associated with real world problems. In this paper we have examined these perspectives and taken them into account for developing Task-Based Problem Solving Adapters (TPSAs). TPSAs developed by us lead toward human centeredness and help us to address the pragmatic task constraints through a range of technologies like neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms. We have also provided an example of applying the TPSAs to develop a working system for assisting sales engineers of an electrical manufacturing firm in monitoring the status of orders in the company.
