
The place name and geo-coordinates of tweets are supposed to represent the possible location of the user at the time of posting that tweet. However, our analysis over a large collection of tweets indicates that these fields may not give the correct location of the user at the time of posting that tweet. Our investigation reveals that the tweets posted through third party applications such as Instagram or Swarmapp contain the geo-coordinate of the user specified location, not his current location. Any place name can be entered by a user to be displayed on a tweet. It may not be same as his/her exact location. Our analysis revealed that around 12% of tweets contains place names which are different from their real location. The findings of this research can be used as caution while designing location-based services using social media.


Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Authenticity of Geo-Location and Place Name in Tweets

The place name and geo-coordinates of tweets are supposed to represent the possible location of the user at the time of posting that tweet. However, our analysis over a large collection of tweets indicates that these fields may not give the correct location of the user at the time of posting that tweet. Our investigation reveals that the tweets posted through third party applications such as Instagram or Swarmapp contain the geo-coordinate of the user specified location, not his current location. Any place name can be entered by a user to be displayed on a tweet. It may not be same as his/her exact location. Our analysis revealed that around 12% of tweets contains place names which are different from their real location. The findings of this research can be used as caution while designing location-based services using social media.