Presenting Author

Markus Hummel

Paper Type

Completed Research Paper


While experience from practice provides evidence for the success of agile development, research lacks behind in explaining and understanding the theoretical enablers of this success. To address this gap, we present a theoretically grounded research model that highlights the role of communication within the project team as a critical success factor. We develop measurement instruments and present findings of a pilot test that we distributed in a medium-sized software development company. The goal of the pilot test is to validate our measurement instruments and to gain first indications of construct validity. We present the results of a confirmatory factor analysis and, in consequence, we reflect on our findings and highlight the implications for future research.



Measuring the Impact of Communication in Agile Development: A Research Model and Pilot Test

While experience from practice provides evidence for the success of agile development, research lacks behind in explaining and understanding the theoretical enablers of this success. To address this gap, we present a theoretically grounded research model that highlights the role of communication within the project team as a critical success factor. We develop measurement instruments and present findings of a pilot test that we distributed in a medium-sized software development company. The goal of the pilot test is to validate our measurement instruments and to gain first indications of construct validity. We present the results of a confirmatory factor analysis and, in consequence, we reflect on our findings and highlight the implications for future research.