Presenting Author

Annette Mills

Paper Type

Completed Research Paper


Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of many economies. However many SMEs have constraints such as limited financial resources that challenge their growth. Scholars and practitioners have therefore advocated using Information Systems (IS) to improve the competitiveness and survival rate of SMEs. Despite increasing implementation of IS in SMEs, issues of under-utilization within firms limit the potentials of the technology. This paper reports on findings from a case study on individuals’ use of an Insurance System in a Medium-Sized Enterprise in Jamaica and how such use changed and developed over time towards deeper use of the IS. Factors that enabled and inhibited use of the IS are discussed, as well as implications for fostering changes in use by individuals.



A Qualitative Insight on Factors Enabling and Inhibiting Changes in Post Adoption IS Use in SMEs: A Case Study in Jamaica

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of many economies. However many SMEs have constraints such as limited financial resources that challenge their growth. Scholars and practitioners have therefore advocated using Information Systems (IS) to improve the competitiveness and survival rate of SMEs. Despite increasing implementation of IS in SMEs, issues of under-utilization within firms limit the potentials of the technology. This paper reports on findings from a case study on individuals’ use of an Insurance System in a Medium-Sized Enterprise in Jamaica and how such use changed and developed over time towards deeper use of the IS. Factors that enabled and inhibited use of the IS are discussed, as well as implications for fostering changes in use by individuals.