
With the maturity and propagation of multimedia and Internet technologies, E-learning has become popular and served as a key source for educational training and individual’s competence development in the information society. Understanding and responding to learner’s expectations is very important for the success of E-learning programs, especially with dramatic environmental changes and increasing competitive pressures. Educators need to adjust their instructional methods to increase education performance and meet learner’s needs under limited financial and human resources. The purpose of this study focuses on investigating the effect of gender differences, learner sources, and online interaction on learner perceptions of service quality, information quality, and satisfaction. Conducting through a field survey, subjects are from the students in National Sun Yat-Sen Cyber University (http://cu.nsysu.edu.tw) in Taiwan. The findings contribute information to help in planning, design, development, implementation and evaluation of E-learning programs to better meet the demand of Elearning learners.
