
The performance of many organisations relies on the effective use of Information Technology (IT). A mechanism to achieve this goal is the introduction of IT Governance to control and manage IT. This paper is a critical review of the IT Governance literature which has been undertaken for the purpose of developing a conceptual map of IT Governance and to provide an overview of the current understanding within the field of IT Governance. IT Governance consists of the leadership, organisational structures, processes, and relational mechanisms to ensure that the enterprise’s IT sustains and extends the organisation’s strategies and objectives. It needs to be an integral part of Corporate Governance and to be defined as the responsibility of executives and the board of director. Our literature review demonstrates that IT Governance is a rather new concept with initial research focused on IT Governance arrangements with a variety of models and techniques to support its introduction. We consider that an integrated perspective is needed to assist managers in navigating a path from strategy to execution. The proposed conceptual map of IT Governance establishes relationships between its components, corporate governance, influence factors, goals, arrangements, and IT Management to assist the understanding in IT Governance and to identify future research areas.
