Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
In this response to Nyman et al. (2024), I argue that workplace datafication is an important topic where trade unions can be a central actor. Not just “bossware” made for surveillance of workers, but also ordinary information systems generate data, which it is important that are used responsibly. While I think trade unions can draw inspiration from the Scandinavian tradition, I also argue that we need to adjust the frames and vocabulary. While the conflict between labour and capital is still present, there are also a broader set of tensions between human welfare agendas and what we may call “techno-rational” or “techno-economic” agendas. I end with recommending that researchers seek to collaborate with trade unions on data-driven labour organizing to build awareness on both the potential for misuse of data as well as for ‘data innovations’ that can support them in their work.
Recommended Citation
Aanestad, Margunn
"Workplace Datafication that Serves the Workers,"
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems: Vol. 36:
2, Article 11.
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