
Mobile phones offer promising medium for helping users with smoking cessation desires and improving knowledge and attitudes towards physical health. Our objective is to design and develop a motivating mobile application that provides users with the ability to monitor and plan their smoking habit through persuasive design theory and principles. In achieving this objective, a full understanding of both the motivational applications and the application specific characteristics relating to smoking cessations must be met. This research follows the constructive research approach through an iterative development process. We followed the Fogg Behavior Model that consists of the following factors: Motivation, Ability and Triggers. The design is based upon an explicit understanding of users, tasks and environments. Users are involved throughout the design and development. The user-centered evaluation derived and refined the design of the application. The process is iterative, which helps to addresses the whole user experience. Several techniques were used to evaluate our application, (1) unstructured Interviews on presented paper model of the interface, (2) think-aloud technique on designed interactive prototype and (3) peer-reviews of the developed application. Adopting a user-centric design and involving the user enhanced the acceptance and usability of the application.
