Home > Journals > AIS Journals > MISQE > Vol. 12 (2013) > Iss. 4

Despite enduring economic uncertainties, we get a sense of watchful optimism from the Society for Information Management's (SIM) 2013 IT Trends Study. This article presents the major findings based on responses from senior IT leaders in 484 U.S.-based organizations, including their top IT management issues and concerns, their largest/most significant IT investments, IT budget and staffing trends, and both CIO role and IT organization characteristics, including practices regarding budgets, hiring, salaries, and performance measurement. Comparisons are provided to SIM survey results in prior years. In addition, senior IT leaders' personally most "worrisome" IT issues and investments are also reported for the first time this year.
Recommended Citation
Kappelman, Leon; McLean, Ephraim; Luftman, Jerry; and Johnson, Vess
"Key Issues of IT Organizations and Their Leadership: The 2013 SIM IT Trends Study,"
MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 12:
4, Article 7.
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