Going Beyond the Dominant Paradigm for Information Technology Innovation Research: Emerging Concepts and Methods
Research on information technology (IT) innovation is concerned with identifying the factors that facilitate or hinder the adoption and diffusion of new IT-based processes or products. Most of this research has been conducted within the confines of a dominant paradigm wherein innovations are assumed to be beneficial, and organizations that have greater innovation-related needs and abilities are expected to exhibit a greater amount of innovative activity. This essay suggests that the dominant paradigm may be reaching the point of diminishing returns as a framework for supporting ground-breaking research, and urges researchers to adopt a more innovative approach to the study of IT innovation itself. Toward this end, I present seven opportunities for conducting new kinds of research that go beyond the dominant paradigm.
Recommended Citation
Fichman, Robert G.
"Going Beyond the Dominant Paradigm for Information Technology Innovation Research: Emerging Concepts and Methods,"
Journal of the Association for Information Systems:
Vol. 5: Iss. 8, Article 1.
Available at: http://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/vol5/iss8/1