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Algorithmic decision-making is increasingly being used by companies to reduce costs and enable their employees to make better-informed decisions. However, algorithmic systems can be biased, resulting in decisions that systematically disadvantage certain groups. This research aims to examine how users of algorithmic systems respond to algorithmic bias. Furthermore, we aim to analyze how users of algorithmic systems morally reason about algorithmic bias. In this short paper, we propose a theoretical model of two moral reasoning processes – moral decoupling and moral disengagement – and outline a research design to study how these reasoning processes impact users’ continued use of algorithmic systems. Findings from our pilot study suggest that users follow diverse usage patterns when faced with algorithmic bias, with most participants discontinuing using the algorithmic system. Our research contributes to the literature on algorithmic bias by providing insights into how users of algorithmic systems respond to and morally reason about algorithmic bias.
Recommended Citation
Horneber, David; Tang, Willi; Meier, Florian Jürgen; and Matzner, Martin, "Exploring Users’ Moral Reasoning Processes and their Impact on the Continued Use of Algorithmic Systems" (2024). ICIS 2024 Proceedings. 8.
Exploring Users’ Moral Reasoning Processes and their Impact on the Continued Use of Algorithmic Systems
Algorithmic decision-making is increasingly being used by companies to reduce costs and enable their employees to make better-informed decisions. However, algorithmic systems can be biased, resulting in decisions that systematically disadvantage certain groups. This research aims to examine how users of algorithmic systems respond to algorithmic bias. Furthermore, we aim to analyze how users of algorithmic systems morally reason about algorithmic bias. In this short paper, we propose a theoretical model of two moral reasoning processes – moral decoupling and moral disengagement – and outline a research design to study how these reasoning processes impact users’ continued use of algorithmic systems. Findings from our pilot study suggest that users follow diverse usage patterns when faced with algorithmic bias, with most participants discontinuing using the algorithmic system. Our research contributes to the literature on algorithmic bias by providing insights into how users of algorithmic systems respond to and morally reason about algorithmic bias.
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