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This research investigates how intelligent technologies impact knowledge workers in the technology industry. Relying on interviews with twenty-one technology workers across organizational levels, this research offers insights into technology workers’ experiences as they navigate their working relationship with intelligent technologies. Using the theory of the replacement of humans by intelligent technologies in organizational scanning, interpretation, and learning as our interpretive framework (Constantiou et al. 2023), our study offers insights into how organizations progress from human interpretation to digital enactment systems (Constantiou et al. 2023). These insights include a middle ground where workers negotiate role hybridization, substitution and augmentation, and organizational learning intensification. This study offers implications for research on how intelligent technologies impact knowledge work and the theory of the replacement of humans by digital technology.




Dec 15th, 12:00 AM

How Intelligent Technologies Influence the Role of Knowledge Workers in the Tech Industry

This research investigates how intelligent technologies impact knowledge workers in the technology industry. Relying on interviews with twenty-one technology workers across organizational levels, this research offers insights into technology workers’ experiences as they navigate their working relationship with intelligent technologies. Using the theory of the replacement of humans by intelligent technologies in organizational scanning, interpretation, and learning as our interpretive framework (Constantiou et al. 2023), our study offers insights into how organizations progress from human interpretation to digital enactment systems (Constantiou et al. 2023). These insights include a middle ground where workers negotiate role hybridization, substitution and augmentation, and organizational learning intensification. This study offers implications for research on how intelligent technologies impact knowledge work and the theory of the replacement of humans by digital technology.